Studierom og bibliotek

Kompetansesenteret ved Bergen Dansesenter har et studierom og bibliotek som kan benyttes etter avtale. Send mail til post [at] for booking og info. Bøker til hjemlån, ta kontakt med administrasjonen!



Foster, Susan Leigh (edited by): Corporealities. Dancing knowledge, culture and power 1996

Blom og Chaplin: The Moment of Movement. Dance Improvisation 2000

Berg, Ine Therese mf: Scenekunst nå, teaterscenen som arena for samtidskunsten 2007

Breder, Lingjærde, Nordseth, Bakka: Dansens teori 1997

Briginshaw, Valerie A.: Dance, Space and Subjectivity 2001

Burt, Ramsay: The Male Dancer – bodies, spectacle, sexualities 1995

Cohen, Selma Jeanne (editor): International Encyclopedia of DANCE 2004 Bind 1-6.

Denby, Edwin: Dance writings and poetry 1998

Eeg, Camilla (red): Dans i samtiden 2006

Tone Kolbjørnsen om Ingun Bjørnsgaard
Gunn Engelsrud om Øyvind Jørgensen
Marit Strømmen om Eva-Cecilie Richardsen
Camilla Eeg om Ina C. Johannessen/zero visibility corp.
André Lepecki om Heine Avdal/deepblue
Myriam van Imschoot om Hooman Sharifi

Goldman, Ellen: As others see us. Body Movement and the Art of Successful Communication 2004

Grönlund, Hammargren, Olsson og Wigert (redaktion): Forskning i rörelse – tio texter om dans 1999

Hawkins, Eric: The body is a clear place 1992

Laban, Rudolf: A vision of dynamic space. Compiled by Lisa Ullmann 1984

Rudolf Laban speaks about Movement and Dance 1971 .Lectures and Articles selected and edited by Lisa Ullmann

Marranca, Bonnie og Dasgupta, Gautam (edited by): Conversations on Art and Performance 1999

Martin, John: The dance in theory 1965

Mc. Fee, Graham: Understanding dance 1992

Monk, Meredith (edited by Deborah Jowitt): Art + Performance 1997

Preston-Dunlop, Valerie (compiled by): Dance words 1995

Smith, Hazel & Dean, Roger: Improvisation, Hypermedia and the Arts since 1945 1997

Theodores, Diana: First we take Manhattan – four American women and the New York school of criticism 1996

Thomas, Helen: The Body, Dance and Cultural Theory 2003

Thomas, Helen: Dance, Modernity and Culture
Explorations in the sociology of dance 1995


preventing dance imjurys

Solomon, Solomon & Minton: Preventing dance injuries 2005

Barlow, Wilfred: The Alexander Principle 1973

Cooper, Kenneth H.: Aerobics 1983

Dunn, Beryl: DANCE! Therapy for Dancers 1974

Fonda, Jane: Jane Fonda’s workout book 1981

Gjerset, Asbjørn (red.): Idrettens treningslære 1992

Hackney, Peggy: Making connections – total body integration through Bartenieff Fundamentals 1998

Hale & Coyle: Albinus on Anatomy.
Original drawings by 18 th century anatomist B.S. Albinus 1747/1988

Hartley, Linda: Wisdom of the Body Moving. An Introduction to Body-Mind Centering 1989

Huwyler, Joseph S.: The Dancer’s Body 1999/2002

Jarmey, Chris: The Atlas of Musculo-skeletal Anatomy 2004

Lark, Liz: Yoga for livet 2001

Levin,Michal: MEDITASJON. Veien til ditt sanne jeg 2003

Lockhart, R. D.: Living Anatomy. A Photogtaphic Atlas of Muscles in Action and Surface Contours 1948

Meaux, Kia: Dynamisk yoga 2003

Norberg, Ulrica: Poweryoga 2002

Putkisto, Marja: Method Putkisto

Schiøtt, Jeanbett: Mosjon, Mykhet, Akrobatikk 1945

Schreiner, Alette: Menneskets anatomi og fysiologi 1946

Selby, Anna og Herman, Alan: PILATES – creating the body you want 1999

Sweigard, Lulu E.: Human Movement Potential 1974

Thomasen og Rist: Anatomy and Kinesiology for Ballet Teachers 1996

Todd, Mabel: The thinking body 1937

Ungaro, Alycea: PILATES. En kropp i bevegelse 2003

Yu, Tricia: Tai Chi. Trening for kropp og sjel 2003

Zorriassateiny, Schirin: Yoga med Schirin 2005


Alverberg, Kjersti: VISJONER. Øye på dans. 2005

Asmussen, Hanna og Holden, Rickey: Kom og dans. 128 danse fra Amerika, Europa og Israel. 1979

Brown, Ann Kipling & Parker, Monica: Dance notation for beginners. Labanotation. Benesh Movement

Notation. 1984

The Decorative art of Léon Bakst. Illustrations. 1972

Europäische Tänze – Grichenland

Europäische Tänze – Jugoslawien

Ferdsskriveren. Red.: Marie Nerland. Til BIT teatergarasjens 20 års-jub. 2003

Gjerstrøm, Gunnar: Musikk. Formlære. 1972

Gulbrandsen, Leif: Akrobatikk 1986

Highwater, Jamake: DANCE. Rituals of experience 1978

Mitoma, Zimmer, Stieber (editors): Envisioning Dance on film and video 2002

Nilsson, Mats: DANS. Från långdans til bugg. 1990

Nissen, Grete: Mime og dramatisering (2 bøker) 1970

Poplawski, Thomas: Eurythmy. Rythm, dance and soul 1998

Priestley, J.B.: Teatret gjennom tidene 1970

Rood, Arnold (red.): Gordon Craig on Movement and Dance 1977

Sayre, Gwenda: Creative miming 1959

Schønning, Haakon: Selvforsvar. Jiu-jitsu og politigrep(!) 1943

Texnæs, Kyrre og Bry, Knut: Beveger 2001

Vietta, von Egon: Tanz in Deutschland 1956

Warme, Reidar: Kinetografi Laban. Et notasjonssysytem for dans. 1970


Arntzen, Knut Ove og Leirvåg, Siren (red.): Tekstsamling i forb. med TEATERTEKSTKONTEKST-seminaret i regi av BIT Teatergarasjen 1998

Cahiers de Théâtre Jeu/Festival Int. de nouvelle danse, Montreal (utgitt av): Les Vendredis du corps. Essaysamling. 1993

Dance Heritage: Crossing Academia and Physicality. Lectures and papers from the 7 th NOFOD Conference Reykjavik April 2004. 2005

De Lange, Live: Steppdans. Årsoppgave ved Steinerskolen.  Praktisk del. Teoretisk del.2003

Garlid, Matilda: Orientalsk dans. Årsoppgave ved Steinerskolen i Bergen.2002

Merkesdal, Paul: Ren dans? En undersøkelse om dans, om ren dans for ikke-dansere. Med vekt på mening. Høgskolen i Bergen. Drama 2. 1998

Pettersen, Sølvi: En kartlegging av frie dansegrupper i dag. Fordypningsoppgave v. Norges Idrettshøyskole. 1977

Svenheim, Hans Atle: Pre-dance training. Implications for dance education. MA-dissertation. UiO. 1994

Wennes, Grete: Skjønnheten og udyret: Kunsten å lede kunstorganisasjonen. Doktorgradsavhandling ved Norges Handelshøyskole (NHH). 2002

Wold, Karin: Moderne koreografi. Hovedfag v. Institutt for Drama-Film-Teater, Trondheim. 1986

Susan, Klein: Introduction to Klein Technique


Danstidningen (S)

Dance Theatre Journal (GB)

Ballettanz (D)

Discourses in dance (GB)

Dance now (GB)

På Spissen (N)

3t tidsskrift for teori og teater (N)

Tanz (D)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]KOREOGRAFI

the choreographic

Joy, Jenn: The Choreographic 2014

Bremser, Martha (edited by): Fifty Contemporary Choreographers 1999

Blom, Lynne Anne og Chaplin, L. Tarin: The intimate Act of Choreography 1982

Cunningham, Merce: Changes: Notes on Choreography 1968

Humphrey, Doris: The art of making dances 1959

Smith, Jacqueline M.: Dance composition 1976


the dance experience
Myron Howard Nadel The Dance Experience: Insight into History, Culture and Creativity 2003

Nicholas, Larraine Dancing in Utopia – Dartington Hall and its Dancers 2007 “(…) British dance history during a major part of the twentieth century.”

Adshead-Landsdale, Janet & Layson, June (edited by): Dance history – an introduction 1983/1994

Bakka, Egil: Europeisk dansehistorie 1997

Banes, Sally: Dancing Women. Female bodies on stage 1998

Carter, Alexandra (eds): Rethinking Dance History 2004

De Zwart Rørholt, Bruvik Lie, Lystskjold Raknes, Tjemsland, Heynderickx, Eckly (eds): 25 ÅR CARTE BLANCHE, 2014

Garafola, Lynn: Legacies of twentieth-century dance 2005

Hansteen, Valdemar: Historien om norsk ballett 1989

Haskell, Arnold L.: Dans og ballett gjennom tidende 1969

INPEX (red): The Swedish Dance History nr. 4

Jonassen, Roy Lie: Dansens historie 1999

Lee, Carol: Ballet in Western culture. A history of its origins and evolution 2002

Murray, Jan: Dance now 1979

Nadel, Myron Howard & Strauss, Mare Raymond The Dance Experience

Quirey, Belinda: May I have the pleasure? The story of popular dancing 1976

Hildre, Myhre, Nesse (eds): Rom for Dans: Et sted, et kunstprosjekt 2012

Warme, Reidar: Dansens historie 1996

Williams, Peter: Masterpieces of ballet design 1981

Willson, F.M.G.: In Just Order Move. The Progress of the Laban Centre for Movement and Dance 1946-1996 1997



Borg, Anne: Dans! 2003

Conrad, Christine: Jerome Robbins 2000

De Mille, Agnes: Dance to the Piper 1951

Duncan, Isadora: My Life 1927

Gottfried, Martin: All his jazz, the life & death of Bob Fosse 1990

Freedman, Russell: Martha Graham. A dancer’s life 1998

Krasovskaya, Vera: Nijinsky 1974

McCann, Colum: Danseren (Nurejev) 2003

McDonagh, Don: Martha Graham. A biography 1973

Näslund, Erik: Birgit Cullberg 1978[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_column_text]MODERNE/SAMTIDSDANS


Yee, Lydia: Laurie Anderson, Trisha Brown, Gordon Matta-Clark: Pioneers of the Downtown Scene, New York 1970s  2011

Fraleigh, Sondra Horton: Dancing Darkness. Butoh, Zen and Japan 1999

Servos, Norbert: Pina Bausch Dance Theatre 2008

Banes, Sally: Terpischore in sneakers 1977

Bouvier, Joëlle og Obadia, Régis: l’esquisse (foto) 1991

Cunningham, Merce: Fifty years 1997

Ein Fest in Wuppertal – 25 Jahre Tanztheater Pina Bausch 1998

Karina, Lilian og Sundberg, Lena: Fridans. Den modernistiska dansens utveckling 1989

Percival, John: Modern ballet 1970

Reistad, Helge (redaktør): dd/dansdesign 2000


classical ballet terms

Glasstone, Richard: Classical ballet terms. An illustrated dictionary 2001

Ambrose, Kay: The ballet-lover’s pocket-book 1943

American Ballet Theatre. A 25-year retrospective 1999

Bray-Moffatt, Naia: Ballettskolen (for barn) 2004

Brunvoll, Gunnar: Den Norske Opera og Den Norske Ballett 1999

Bussel, Darcey og Linton, Patricia: Den unge danser 1996

Cavling, Viggo: Ballettens bog. Balletkunstens udvikling fortalt i billeder 1941

Davidson, Gladys: Stories of the Ballets 1958

Fischer, Hugh: Ballet 1965

Fischer, Hugh: Dancers of today: Margot Fonteyn 1952

Garafola, Lynn og Van Norman Baer, Nancy (edited by): The Ballets Russes and its World 1999

Greskovic, Robert: Ballet 101. A complete guide to learning and loving the ballet 1998

Hall/Davies: The World of Ballet and Dance (først og fremst foto) 1972

Haskell, Arnold: What is a ballet? 1965

Jürgensen, Knud Arne: The Bournonville Ballets. A photographic record 1844-1933 1987

Kirkenær, Jorunn: ABC for den klassiske ballett 1989

Kirstein, Lincoln: Four centuries of ballet 1984

Lund, Eva-Marie: Svanesjøen – en ballett blir til 1997

Monahan, James: The nature of ballet 1976

Reitzel, Hans: 20 solodansere fra den Kongelige Danske ballett 1965

Scholl, Tim: From Petipa to Balanchine – classical revival and the modernization of ballet 1994

Bloom og Vlastnik: Broadway Musicals. The 101 greatest shows of all time 2004

Gänzl, Kurt: MUSICALS – the complete illustrated story of the world’s most popular live entertainment 1995/2000

Knowles, Mark: Tap roots. The early history of Tap Dancing 2002

Cooper, Martha: Hip Hop Files, photographs 1979 – 1984 2004



Gough, Marion: Knowing Dance A Guide for Creative Teaching 1999

Basic Principles of Classical Ballet 1946

Russian Ballet Technique. Agrippina Vaganova

Benari, Naomi: Early Movement Skills 1999

Bentsen, Birthe Servais: Børnemotorik 1968

Bloom, Katya og Shreeves, Rosa: Moves. A sourcebook of ideas for 
body awareness and creative movement 1998

Byhring, Borg, Frostad, Sæther, Eriksen, Hernes, Otterholt og Kolle:

Dansekunst – bind I 1997

Dansekunst – bind II 1998

Dans i Skolan – en Metodikskrift från Danshögskolan 1990

Frostad, Hauge, Hernes, Kolle, Lodwick, Okstad og Otterholt: Dans! – grunnbok i dans 1996

Girard, Grefveberg, Karina, Svalberg, Svedin:

Klassisk ballett. Övningar i sju svårighetsgrader 1981

Grindberg, Tora og Jagtøien, Greta: Barn i Bevegelse. Fysisk aktivitet i barnehage og skole 1999

Halle, Hessel, Jørgensen, Skreiberg: Danseteknikker – klassisk, moderne, jazz 1996

Jonson, Birgit: Børn, bevægelse, kropsbevidsthed 1983

Karsavina, Tamara: Classical Ballet: The Flow of Movement 1973

Kirstein, Lincoln & Stuart, Muriel: The Classical Ballet. Basic Technique and Terminology 1984

Kostrovitskaya, Vera S.: 100 Lessons in Classical Ballet 1981

Laban, Rudolf von: Modern educational dance 1948

Lawson, Joan: The Teaching of Classical Ballet 1973
Common faults in young dancers and their training

Lawson, Joan: Teaching Young Dancers 1975
Muscular co-ordination in classical ballet

Martinet, Susanne: La musique du corps 1990

Mortensen, Inga og Frederiksen, Trier: Bevegælse og udtrykk 1976

Reisby, Kirsten: Formulering af undervisningsmål 1972

Russel, Joan: Creative Dance in the Primary School 1965

Sexton, Kathryn: The Dance Teacher’s Survival Guide 2004
Teaching dance in schools from key stage 1 – key stage 3

Traguth, Fred: Modern Jazz Dance 1977


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